Monday, September 30, 2013

Pre-Show Q&A with the cast of Miss Saigon.

The Ordway Theatre welcomes the touring company of Miss Saigon, a love story set during the Vietnam War, to it's stage this October 8-13. 
Photo credit to Miss Saigon, West End.

The story, originally based on Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly, centers around the conflicting love of a young Vietnamese girl, Kim and an American G.I., Chris. Written by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg, who brought you Les Mis, Miss Saigon appeals to all senses and emotions. 
Photo credit to MNSU. 

Being a blogger for The Ordway has given me opportunities unlike any other, and this show is no different. Much like other shows, I have the opportunity to see the production as well as give my feedback about what I thought afterwards. However, for Saigon, I was lucky enough to participate in a pre-show Q&A with the three main characters-Kim, Chris and the Engineer. I forwarded them my questions with hopes that they would answer, and they did! I have included the interviews below, in hopes that you will read them and find out a little more about the characters and the people who play them, much like I did. 

I encourage all of you, if you haven't already, to purchase tickets to this limited engagement. Tickets can be purchased through The Ordway website. Also check out the other special events The Ordway is offering with this incredible show, notably the talk-back with the cast on Wednesday, October 9th. I hope to see all of you there as you laugh, cry and sing-a-long to Miss Saigon.